Subscription Details

Enjoy discounted traveling for more than 1,000,0000 – resorts, hotels, cruises, excursions and more. You can also book a wide array of flights via Vacation WinWin.

Tier 4 – USD$ 3890 / USD$153.97 per month – Comes with 50% Boomerang Rewards

The Boomerang awards allows you to share the abovementioned percentage to your friends for discounted traveling. Once your friends use the boomerang rewards, you will also get the same abovementioned percentage back in rewards credits which you can later use as partial payments towards reservations.

Each subscription is valid for a mandatory timeframe period of 24x months – Client has the option to finance these 24x months and to pay them in full at once. Clients also have the rights to renew the subscription after the abovementioned timeframe period.